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Скриншот-репортаж с конференции Макмиллан

08/11/2011, 16:45 MSK. Ceri Jones: Getting the reading habit. Macmillan Online Conference.

Macmillan Conference

08/11/2011, 17:20 MSK



08/11/2011, 17:35 MSK - bye to Ceri and tnx! Coming next:


17:50 MSK: Dave Spencer: How to teach secondary classes (without losing your sanity in the process)

MacmillanConference4 (a cute game! Start from the middle circle, add one letter from every next circe to form 4-letter words... well, I mean... 4-letter-long words ;) )





18:05 MSK

MacmillanConference5(Woww! Terrific! Cover a photo of a famous person with several numbered  post-its and take one post-it note in exchange for each correct answer from the kids and make them guess the person! Great!)





18:15 MSK. Here is a useful link:



...TAB - "Task Avoidance Behaviour" - yeah!..



Gee, look what people in the chat (on the left) are saying! ;) Thumbs up!






MacmillanConference8Laughing A cute kid!






What happened on June, 10 2009?


(I might remember the date wrong but this is when the "word" "Web 2.0" was registered!)






More from Vaughan Jones:

MacmillanConference10The idea I have highlighted is all but natural - but I like the wording! ))






MacmillanConference11Not an exactly new game but something useful to remind yourself about:

join any two of these words in a sentence.





... Sorry, these all were just impressions - see the international Macmillan website for proper slides and handouts. See you at the next Macmillan online events!


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